Shawn Thomas is the founder of the company called “Ask a Millionaire”. His company is focused on providing helpful information for entrepreneurs, self-employed individuals, and SMB owners. Moreover, he mentors people via social media outlets, such as Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat.
Shawn Thomas was broke at the age of 30, but he managed to turn his life around by using his entrepreneurial skills. The first company he founded is called Uniguest, which he opened in 2002. As you can imagine, his career has sky-rocketed after he took this step. You could find real inspiration in his story!
What few people know about him is that he had a fun musical career before his entrepreneurial en devours. Before business, he used to be a member of a band called N-Motion. With them, he had numerous concerts and tours throughout America. However, they weren’t successful enough, considering the outcome of the band.
Shawn Thomas is now a mentor, coach and philanthropist. He gives to charity and he likes shoes, muffins and living the good life! You should check him out! His Snapchat account is very interactive and quite addictive. He is clearly really good at what he does and you could benefit too!