She is a glamour model who understands the online media. Vizen or Lucy Collett snaps herself and shares it with everyone. She’s also quite humorous from time to time. An interesting person to follow.
Lucy Collett | vizen Snapchat
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This girl has been posting to her story and it hasn’t been updating here.
If it’s not a story, i’m not showing it. And videos can’t be displayed sorry.
I just said it is her story and this is the only STORY not updating on your site.
Oh yea sorry for sounding rude Slmoons2u, that wasn’t my intension 🙂 thanks for sharing i’ll look into it. Can you tell if it surely is a story picture that is not being showed? The system checks for new pictures with minutes between every check, so it’s not instant, maybe thats the trickery you are seeing ?
User name has changed to’Lucythevixen’
She di change her name indeed, didnt she?